Sep 19, 2024  
2024-2025 College Catalog 
2024-2025 College Catalog

Game Development Option, A.A.S. - Computer Information Systems

A degree in Game Development will prepare students for entry-level positions in programming, testing and game design. During the final semester of the degree program, game artists and developers will work in conjunction to create and manage a complete marketable game.

Upon completion of this program, graduates will be able to:

  • Recognize and evaluate critical and aesthetic issues within computer graphics and mixed media.
  • Compare and contrast game requirements based on genre.
  • Analyze player control, manual and visual interface design, and usability.
  • Identify phases in the game development cycle, as well as be skilled in project management and game documentation.
  • Work collaboratively and individually with an understanding of the production process utilized in industry-standard studios.
  • Communicate effectively in oral format on research and creative issues.
  • Apply critical thinking and aesthetic judgments in critiquing mixed media and computer graphics productions.
  • Function on multi-disciplinary teams.
  • Merge complex artwork and code to create a working video game.
  • Create a project report.
  • Set a mood using sound effects, ambient and environmental sounds, and music.
  • Demonstrate professionalism through creative and intellectual independence.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the legal and ethical issues related to sound and video sampling and the current copyright laws pertaining to music, video and audio recordings.

First Year

Second Year

Fall Semester

Total Semester Hours: 15

Winter Session

Spring Semester

Total Semester Hours: 15

Summer Session

Total Program Hours: 60

Humanities General Education Courses (Recommended)

Recommended courses listed below but student can also choose from the list of approved General Education  courses in the College catalog.

Program Electives

Choose one course from below: